What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Flat Top barber in WV
The best barber shop in town!

Very few people know what they want to do in  life few when they are young. Even fewer get the chance, and no one gets a second chance.

I love the story, “Ever since I was a kid I wanted to…” It is foreign to me; a  curiosity. Here is what I believe: when these lucky people get to do this thing, whatever it is, they are very good at it and glow with happiness.

You know the people I am talking about? I found such a person and want to share him with you. Toby is my new barber. If you have seen any of the Opossum Creeks videos you will know that being my barber is not an easy task. The balding/bushy mullet with shaggy beard is my go-to look.

All set for a trim!

After years of self-taught practice on his friends in his basement, his wife said, “I want my weekends (and my basement) back. Either stop cutting hair, or get the license and open a shop.” Toby is now a classically trained Pro!

I am no stranger to the shave and a haircut at a barber shop. I am old enough to remember the straight razor getting sharpened on the strop. And Toby has the touch, training and skill to deliver this time-honored tradition.

My son said after his first encounter with Toby, “I won’t be needing hats anymore,” and “WOW, that man just blessed me. I feel amazing!”

Getting a trim

I know this is a very odd thing to put on your vacation to-do list, but believe me when I say wait to get your hair cut until you are here. Get up early. He opens at 7 a.m.

Get your shave and haircut and go to breakfast at one of the amazing local spots feeling like a new man!

Flat Top Fridays
Classic Cuts & Hot Shaves
227B N Court Street
Downtown Fayetteville, WV

Bird Watcher’s Digest brought the Rendezvous to the Gorge

Bird Watcher’s Digest hosts Reader Rendezvous around the country, a fun-filled weekend of birding, music and friends. Last week, they were in West Virginia at North Bend State Park, and took a side trip to visit us. Not to stay, but to look for birds. (Something we are always doing, even while writing blogs.

They brought 18 people from all over the USA, and as far away as the west coast, all hoping to see a Swainson’s Warbler. We showed them a whole lot more.

Focused on the falcons

Meeting a group at the Canyon Rim Visitor Center is always a great kick-off. The NPS does an amazing job telling the story of our area. Plus, it has knockout views of the bridge and New River Gorge and Peregrine Falcon chicks. Mom and Dad did not show up.

They had been in the cars for 3 hours so once they stretched their legs, we headed out on some back roads along the Rhododendron-covered creek beds in search of the shy warbler.

Before the morning was over, all 18 guests and guides had seen the little bird. Many had long close-up looks, allowing them to study his subtleties in coloration and mannerisms. To say he is shy is an understatement. Many say he is skulky. He lives in the thickest of cover, and hates to peek his rather large beak out of it for any reason. The coolest thing about this bird is his song. Listen for it in the background of the video. Loud and clear, in part because of that honking beak he has.

We got really good looks and many birds we call “common,” and may not normally take a second glance at. But when you have a bunch of people who have never seen a Cardinal, well, it’s easy to get excited about the local birds all over again.

We ended up rewarding ourselves at with a wonderful lunch at Pies and Pints, along with spotting a few more birds while stuffing pizza in our faces.


Will You Help Our County’s Kids?

For the future of Fayette County, Vote YES!

If you won’t vote to help your kids, your grandkids, your friends’ kids or friends’ grandkids (or even your neighbor who you don’t even like’s kids!), to get a better education and a leg up in one of the poorest parts of the USA… What will you vote for?

Everyone in Fayette County: get out to vote “YES” to the School Bond!

Hard at work at the sign painting party for the school bond issue.

Yes, it is personal! We are at the point of the spear. No matter how you measure education, WV is 49th or 50th. We are dead last! And Fayette County is 50-something out of 55 in WV!

That makes us a contender for worst school system in the USA, and this simple act can fix that. Voting— yes, the act of voting— can fix education for the most deserving and most in need in our great land.

Education can save us from ruin. Denying us education can only ensure it.

I know it is not just Fayette County, West Virginia, that is suffering this plight. But I also know we are far worse off than most. We as a country cannot go on under-funding education.

Ignorance is not freedom.

Freedom is being able to choose wisely, and not only in your own self-interest.

Will you help our county’s kids?

Why do we see so many Logo Vehicles in the Gorge?

Why do we see lots of vehicles all logo’d up here in The New River Gorge?

Well… first, we are lucky enough to be part of the National Park Service— more than 70,000 acres.

The law of natural attraction: like attracts like. Everyone knows that. World-class talent is drawn to a world-class area.

It’s contagious. Reverend Payton and his Big Damn Band did not show up just to do the concert at Ace Resort for Get down in the gorge. They wanted to fish for smallies on the New River, too!

The President of the birding world, and First Lady, did not stop on their cross-country move just to stay in a cabin. They wanted the world-class New River to wash away the trials and tribulations of moving an international organization to a new home.

Some of the best rock climbing gear companies have their vans in Fayetteville all year round, not because it’s a huge metropolitan market, but because the world-class mountaineers, they love to live here in one of America’s coolest small towns.

When the gates open on Summersville Dam this weekend, every whitewater fan will be wishing they were here to run the Gauley River through the Gauley River National recreation area.

The logo vehicles will be too many to count.

What will happen after, in the winter? Mountain bike madness. Miles after endless miles of custom-made for you single-track trails by the Boy Scouts of America. Not to mention the countless trails that are open to bike traffic in The New River Gorge National River.

Of course, there has to be support staff for all that talent, and that’s where Opossum Creek Retreat comes in.

Yoga is a boom industry, so they tell me. I mean, I do yoga and have for a long time.

We have hosted yoga retreats for well over a decade, but never before have we had 4 in one year, let alone 2 in 2 weeks with world-renowned yogis like Todd Norian. Todd was here a couple of weeks ago, and is ready to make it an annual event. We are very excited.

Centered Adventures was here this past weekend, leading everyone through yoga, pilates and outdoor activities during their retreat.

Yes, we play host to some big names, and one of them could be yours.

Spring Flowers? Fall Leaves? Nope. Here’s nature’s REAL Beauty.

Milkweed ready to take flight

Gone are the berries. ‘Tis the season. It’s all the rage. All the cool states have ‘em:


The weeds are coming, and we love ‘em. They are inevitable and it’s going to be huge! It is futile to fight it.

Even the names are huge: iron weed, pokeweed, goldenrod, boneseed, Queen Ann’s lace! Chinkapin, sneezeweed, sweet joe-pye weed, black-eyed Susan, sow thistle and king devil, to name a few. Vipers Bugloss, rageweed, fireweed…

But my favorite part about them is that they can be huge! 12 to15 feet tall and beautiful. And strong. Did I say huge already?

Red Admiral sits on a weed.

I think I like this color palate of weed season better than the pinks of spring. Yes, I know there are lots more colors in the spring, and everything is new, but weed season means we now we have purple and gold and yellow and white (so white), and then it will all be gone.

So while you can, get high on some of those weeds! The ones that are much maligned and misunderstood and neglected, or even worse, mowed down before their time.

The briers have borne their fruit, and apples are not ripe yet, but we have the weeds to thank for some awe-inspiring beauty to carry us through ‘till Fall.

Catch the spectacle before it’s gone. Take a long Labor Day weekend here to enjoy the unconventional beauty of the weeds.

Which weed is your favorite?

The B__________ are coming!

The B__________ are coming! The B__________ are coming!

Well, that is very patriotic of you, and yes, it is that time of year, too. But I am talking BLUEBERRIES!

Yes, it is Blueberry Month! I prefer mine small, tart and wild, like the ones from my youth. (Yes, still talking blueberries.)

I can recall stopping on the side of the road wanting to buy one of those funky rake picker things from the family selling berries. It is a specialty tool used when picking or harvesting wild blueberries. (Did you just salivate? I did.)

They are the real prize, those low, tiny bushes high on a ridge in some wild place. How the berries pack so much into such a small package is one of the wonders of Nature! Alas, completely unattainable for most of us. Don’t despair.

“You pick” farms to the rescue! We have couple in our area, and wow are they Ossum! You really ought to plan a morning while you are here in Blueberry Month to pick, and pick and pick. Take a pick-a-nic: spend some time in blueberry field eating, picking and talking about blueberries

I understand why most of these places grow the big fat juicy sweet ones. Hmm… that kind of describes me, too. We even planted hybrids in our garden. They are great. Big tall bushes, no stooping necessary. You can fill a bucket in no time, and they freeze perfectly, or make great preserves and crumbles, even pies. Well, sort of. I mean, it’s a great pie, but if you ever get the chance to pick those teeny tiny wild berries way up north, high on a ridge, and manage to get enough back to the kitchen, then make a pie!

Have you been blueberry picking? 

I Hate Hiking With My Wife

This post was originally published in the New River Gorge Adventure Guide.

I used to hate hiking with my wife.

WV sunset on the trail. Photo by Kyle Heeter

You see, I have come to believe that there are many different styles of hikers, and she and I are two very different kinds.

She is a Strider. She has long legs, which she uses to ruthlessly get herself from Point A to Point B.  She hikes for the exercise. She is an “I will come back and get you if you can’t keep up” kind of hiker. I am a— well, not that kind of hiker. I am an anything but that kind of hiker. I wander off the trail (She hates to follow me when I do this). I stop in midstride and lay down on the ground to get a better look at a flower or insect or at the back of my eyelids. On the trail, she journeys from Point A to Point B and back, and I journey to all the points in between.

There are the Fast Walkers, who are “just out for some exercise” and have to be back in time to get to the store. And there are the Strollers. Strollers have a place they are aiming for. They will stop to look at something wonderful along the way, but they can still be relied on to make their destination. They would really like to see that view from Long Point!

And then there are the Wanderers. If you are a Wanderer, you may not even know where the trail you are on is going. You don’t know this because it doesn’t matter. You are just happy to be outdoors, soaking it in.

Closely related to the Wanderers are the Meanderers. Kids intuitively meander. They drift off the trail and wonder what this is or that is (or was). If you are not in a hurry or dead-set on a destination, kids are the best guides you could ask for. They bring spontaneity, surprise, and joy to a hike. Kids understand that it is a good thing to get sidetracked and forget why you came in the first place.

The woods are a patient place, slow and constant. Kids will understand this if you do not get in their way. “Life is a journey, not a destination.” (This famous remark is over-quoted, and I bet few know who wrote it without first looking it up. Answer: Ralph Waldo Emerson). Kids know this in their souls! The trail means nothing, except that it has a place to park your car. After that, whims are followed. Rules are broken and exploration begins. Ahh, the unknown. You could be the first person to ever put a foot down right here.

This type of adventure comes with a price. Sometimes you get sort of lost. You may have to cross a creek and get muddy and wet.  These hikes always take a lot longer to find your way back to the car, so you are late for dinner with friends and they are worried about you. But when you get there, who has the best story to tell? You do.

Some trails are better for some styles of hikers. I like the wide flat train grades from an old train track, without the tracks or cross ties of course. We have a lot of these in the New River Gorge, and they lead to some amazing places. You don’t have to be on a steep single-track to find your self oohhing and aahhing along the way.

My other preference is an ill-defined deer trail heading off into the wilderness. Often these lead to a dry flat rock with a sunny spot, so I can stretch out and study cloud formations. I also like loop trails. They tend to be longer than the out-and-backs. On the loop, you may have to go all the way around, depending on who you are with and what type of hiker you are that day. The out-and-back type of trail is deceiving. It will look like two different trails each direction you head. And— Fast Walkers with some place to be, take note— you can just head back at any point.

You do not have to be prepared to enjoy a hike. I know my grandfather is squirming in his boy scout uniform as I write this, but let’s face it:  We do not always carry water, first aid, sunblock, matches, flashlight, and map. Sometimes we are just out for some quick exercise down the road from our home. And maybe we did not have a “proper pair of hiking shoes” in the car. Most of the train grades, wide and relatively flat, are okay for tennis shoes. And some hikes are perfectly appropriate for flip-flops. Maybe this is more of the slow, quiet meander with a close friend who needs to talk. Sometimes you have to go with what you’ve got and look where you are stepping. My dress shoes are muddy. However, attention Wanderers and Meanderers: there is a really good reason to wear high-top, lightweight hikers or high-top tennis shoes on many hikes: ankle support. The trail is not the mall. We are in the woods and on sometimes very uneven ground. If you can, boot up.

Which brings me back to my wife, the Point A to B Strider. I have figured out how to slow her down. I found an anchor that she cannot pull, and the best part is she does not even know she is dragging it: a camera. She has always been a great photographer, even made her living doing it. But going for a walk did not mix with taking pictures until she recently began bringing a small camera along. Now she has introduced me to another kind of hiker: the Photographer. She will stop on a dime to gather all her skill and creativity and focus it through the lens. This allows the rest of us Meanderers time to catch up and even pass her at times.

It is possible to change, and really cool stuff happens when you do.

What type of hiker are you? (And what type do you want to be?)


Where to Find WV’s Best Trout Fishing

Spring in southern West Virginia means different things to different people. For some, it means wildflowers are starting to bloom and the hiking trails are exploding with vibrant color. For others, it’s the chance to paddle the area’s local rivers and creeks at exciting spring flows.

But to one group of outdoor enthusiasts, it simply means “Fish on!!!”

Keith enjoying the WV fishing

One thing that this area has no shortage of is streams. Big ones. Little ones. And most of them very productive fisheries. Whether it’s bass, walleye, musky or trout that bring you to a fever pitch, there are plenty of opportunities to soothe whatever itch you need to scratch.

At Opossum Creek Retreat, we understand having a passion for fishing. In fact, we embrace it. One of our favorite springtime activities is fishing for trout.

Our place, just so happens, is located mere minutes from some great southern West Virginia trout fishing. In fact, Mill Creek flows less than a mile from our front door, and is stocked by the WVDNR monthly from February through May.

Mill Creek is a sweet little stream that starts near Route 60 and winds its way into Hawk’s Nest Lake on the New River. It starts off fairly flat, meandering along the plateau through deep woods and laurel thickets, but as its journey approaches the New River, it becomes a steep pool-drop creek with large boulders and plunge pools. This diversity in stream hydrology is common among the creeks in this area and makes for some fabulous fishing.

Other local trout streams that are within a short drive of OCR are: Glade Creek, Dunloup Creek, Loop Creek, Piney Creek, Paint Creek and Manns Creek.

All of these streams are stocked throughout the spring by the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources with rainbow and brown trout. A nearby chapter of Trout Unlimited also adopts a few of these creeks as special projects, and stock them with fingerling brown trout on an annual basis.

These streams all vary in topography and terrain, and most are fairly accessible over a large percentage of their runs. All of them with the exception of Paint Creek and Loop Creek drain to the New River, and they all definitely have sections of them that are moderately steep. This means lots of big pools that can hold some impressive trout.

Now, we are pretty biased to our local area because there is just so much natural beauty here. And well, hell, it is our stomping grounds, so can you blame us? But as far as trout fishing goes, we will concede that some of the best waters in the state lie just a short drive to the north of us.

There is a small area of the West Virginia, located in the mountains in and around the Pocahontas and Randolph County vicinity, where a great many of the major streams in WV originate. From this region, the Gauley River, the Elk River, the Williams River, the Cheat River, the Tygart River, the Greenbrier River and the Potomac River all begin their sinuous journeys towards different destinations.

All of the headwaters sections of these streams are excellent trout fisheries. What is most enjoyable about them in our eyes is the level of peace and serenity you will find their remoteness. It’s a seclusion that you will only experience in few other places anywhere on the east coast.

There are very few incorporated towns with a population of more than 500 people in these areas, and Randolph County averages 29 people per square mile, while Pocahontas County only averages 9.

Some of the Mountain State’s best trout streams are either in this bunch we just listed, or they are tributaries of them.These streams are around an hour drive from The New River Gorge. They include the Elk River, the Cranberry River, the Williams River and the Cherry river.

The best part about fishing these streams is if the fish aren’t biting, you’re still hanging out in one of the most beautiful places around.

So, if trout fishing happens to be your passion, we hope you find the time to make a trip to our backyard and experience this wonderful area we call home. Perhaps we will see you on one of these streams this spring.

Fish On!!!

Which river in WV is your favorite for trout fishing? 


–guest post by Ashley Thomas

I Lied About the Chemical Spill

I lied.

I said that we are not in the area affected by the chemical spill.

This powerful response to the chemical spill was shared far and wide on the web. It’s worth a read.

The whole country is affected by the Freedom Industries chemical spill into the Elk River.

We all know that industry is like a child. Pushing the limits, testing the boundaries, getting away with whatever they can in the name of higher profits.

We all know they can do a better and safer job. We should demand it.

I have struggled with what to say about this issue. These are two very well written pieces by born-and-raised West Virginia natives that tell the story much better than I can.

They are worth the time:

What I can add is this: Having lived all over the country, I have seen this in your backyard, too. This is not unique to “poor old WV” or Appalachia. It is everywhere. We deserve better, safer, cleaner neighborhoods, home towns, rivers, lakes, places to work and industries.

I lied. We are all affected and we are all responsible.

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