Let’s do some word association. Here’s a list of words, and you say what comes to mind:
Hot Chocolate
Roaring Fireplace
Snuggly Sweaters
Cabin Lodge

If you said spring break, you’re right. If you said anything else, you’re not right. Didn’t know we were grading, did you? Anyway, we’re not fans of the beach for spring break (obviously).
Here are 5 tips to plan the easiest family ski vacation ever:
-Size your gear online or over the phone so it’s ready when you get there. You can take all the hassle out of getting fit when you just walk into the rental shop, grab your gear, and walk out.
-Talk to the ski school. It’s always easy to find, and the folks there are friendly and helpful (usually). It’s always a good idea to take a ski lesson, at least on day one.
-Brown bag it. Resort food is overpriced and yucky. Your food is priced just right and yummy. Way easier when you stay in a cabin because of the kitchen factor.
-Take it easy. Sports vacations aren’t about how much you do or how big you go; they’re about how much fun you can have. The kids will be a lot happier with a ski instructor who tells them what to do so you don’t have to.
-Have an backup plan. If the weather goes sour, or something out of the ordinary happens, you should be able to pack up and head on to the next activity without skipping a beat. Here’s a whole rainy day itinerary.
Close to us, WinterPlace Ski Resort has 1 more day of skiing (this Saturday, March 28). A little further away is Snowshoe, and they’ll be open a few more weeks. Timberline also closes this weekend. Wherever you go, take your family and get your spring ski on!