The Short list: Bridge Day 2016 (a how to)

WEAR SENSIBLE SHOES! Sorry for yelling but this alone can save the day. I see a lot of unhappy people each year because they did not heed this grandmotherly advice.


Food is a big part of Bridge Day and it starts Friday night with the Taste of Bridge Day. It’s sponsored by the rotary clubs and really a good time. And if you can get to town before the Taste event starts to play around in the escape rooms of New River Gorge Escape Rooms, you will thank me.


Burn some calories so you can eat all day! This is the first year for the Active SWV Bridge Day 5k and it is going to be OSSUM! Way to go Mel!

I like my funnel cakes first thing in the morning, while the grease is fresh and clear (and I just drooled a little bit.)

This is a short Bridge Day funnel cake video we made just a few years ago to honor this food tradition.

Those boys are now young men whom I am very proud of.

You better share that funnel cake, because you need to save room for the other great stuff like gyros and sandwiches so big it takes a team to eat them, and kettle corn. I missed it last year. Thought I could wait till the end and take a fresh bag home to share with the homebodies, and they were sold out! Not letting that happen again. The food list goes on and on. Hmm, that give me an idea… I’ll get back to you on that.

Now the bridge closes at 3 p.m., so heading into Fayetteville is the ticket. Book your group early for New River Gorge Escape Rooms to ensure you get in on this really fun new attraction. (Yes, worth mentioning twice.) Bridge Day Chili Cook-off in Fayetteville starts after the bridge closes and there will be the music of Bridge JAM to round out the evening.

Wow! That’s a busy day but you still have:


May I suggest breakfast at one of our great local spots like Cathedral Cafe or Vandal’s Kitchen, both in downtown Fayetteville. Then taking a hike on one of the 70 miles of trails in our National Parks— yes we have several, and you own them, so go use them!

I will be out there in the dark setting up the Chamber of Commerce tents on either end of the bridge, and secretly taste testing my way across the bridge and back.

A big shout out to The Fayette County Chamber of Commerce and CVB staff for pulling this monumental task off each year. Thank you Sharon and Mandy, and everyone else who helps make this great event happen.

See you out there wearing my sensible shoes! And enjoying the amazing day.

6 miles with 6 kids and 3 photos. A fall hike in WV

Climb a Tree

The Cowpasture Trail at Cranberry Wilderness is just over 6 miles long. Mostly flat, gentle slopes and a wide, variety of terrain and plenty to explore.

Not too long ago, we loaded up and headed over to hike with a rag-tag group of kids.

6 miles. 6 kids. 3 photos. This, is the story.

Too often the simple fact of being unsure if you are prepared will prevent stepping outside and having an adventure.

Usually the hardest part is just (sorry Nike) “doing it”. Get up, throw the kids in the car, some water, some granola bars and roll. Yes, it can be that easy.

Warm colors of fall in the Cranberry Wilderness

Sometimes, it may be difficult to pry kids away from the Xbox, DS, or TV. The persistence in pushing them out the door is worth it. The adventure to be had on the trail is one that creates awareness of surroundings, and memories of time with friends and family.

On our way up, the fall colors were at their peak at Cranberry. Bright oranges, reds, yellow and muted brown. The colors there are about a week ahead of ours here in the New River Gorge.

It made for a beautiful drive.

The real story of the day was watching the kids experience new things. Unexpected wonders of fall from the deep rich colors, to the smells encountered just walking through the woods.

Ready to set sail

From pine thicket to bog there was something new around every corner.

Milkweed pods? Check. Opening them to send the tiny seeds afloat with childhood wishes attached. They also make great projectiles for throwing at your sister (as my son demonstrated!).

The point is this: You do not need to plan an extensive backcountry trip to get out and have fun. Throw on your tennis shoes, grab some water and let your kids show you what they discover.

A Hole in Our Map?

Take a quick peek at the map. What do you see? Or, more importantly, what don’t you see?

East Coast Light Pollution

While I love riddles and trick questions, this isn’t one. There is an explanation.

The image displays levels of light pollution on the East Coast. The brighter the color, you guessed it, the more light. You will notice there is a “hole”.

Take a look at cell phone coverage maps. There it is again.

Road maps? Yup, you guessed it, same thing.

We Are In a Hole…Sort of
Opossum Creek Retreat is on the south-western edge of the “hole” you see in the maps. We spend a lot of family time inside the void, for good reason. While the maps and images may lead you to believe there is nothing there, in fact, it is full of things to do and discover.

The Monongahela National Forest
West Virginia has plenty of public lands, more than 1.5 million acres, with The Monongahela National Forest taking-up close to a million acres alone. Just about anything you can think of to do outside, can be done within the Mon boundaries.

  • 825 miles of trails
  • 576 miles of trout stream
  • 8 Wilderness areas encompassing almost 100,000 acres
  • 75 different tree species exist in the forest
  • Elevation ranges from 1000′ – 4863′ above sea level

Nearby Favorite
Located about 45 minutes from our cabin rentals is ‘The Cranberry’. Near the National Forest’s southern boundary, a visit to The Cranberry is like venturing to another latitude. Literally.

Red Admiral Butterfly enjoying the late summer wild flowers in The Cranberry Backcountry

This area is the southernmost hold-out from the Great Ice Age of the Pleistocene. The result? It’s like going to the Canadian tundra, without a border crossing, or Loonies, or anyone ending sentences with “A”.

The plants and animals you might encounter along the Botanical Area boardwalk are from the great white north. Red Crossbills (a bird I have yet to see), Canada Warblers, Skunk Cabbage wild flowers and trees, are all normally only found much further north.

Bears & Scenic Drives
Black Bears are beautiful, graceful creatures. They are plentiful in and around The Cranberry, in fact we see one on almost every trip over. However, don’t let that stop you from making the trek, make it a reason to go!

Be sure to stop in the visitor center (a great one) for a map, some books, great exhibits and modern facilities. Then take a trip across the Highland Scenic Highway for a “Sunday Drive” to remember.

There is so much to do while you are in the “hole”, we couldn’t possibly share it all in one post. After your next trip, be sure to share the photos.

What is your favorite thing about The Mon?

The Secret To Hiking With Kids

Hiking with kids in and around the New River Gorge of West Virginia is all about going nowhere fast…

I am a mountain of patience. I am mountain of patience. I am a mountain of patience.  Aaand breathe.

That’s how I recommend starting each hike with kids.  You can try starting each day that way, too.  Best of luck with that.

When they’re little, anything (and I mean anything) will stop them in their tracks and halt the hike. The older they get the more creative the diversions become.  They make up games to play, and still later we look at birds and bugs and plants to break up the march.

From the kids we can learn a very important concept to understand and embrace: The destination is secondary to the hike.

The value in going for a hike is not the part where are feet move it is the part when we stop and talk, look, listen, explore, play, snack and wonder. Yeah there is a great view at a beautiful overlook but don’t overlook the value of taking your time.  Enjoy the distractions along the way.

Here’s some stuff to make sure you bring:

  • water
  • snacks
  • wipes (hey, they’re not just for babies!)
  • camera
  • patience

Ultimately, that last one’s the secret.  Be patient.  The whole idea is to make sure that you’re somewhere memorable (the trail) with someone you love (the kids).

Here are some things to leave behind, or at least to not use:

  • phone
  • temper
  • phone
  • watch
  • phone

True, there’s some safety in having a phone and watch with you.  But you have to balance that with how tempting they are to use.  If you can keep them in your bag except for emergencies, great.

But if you’re renting a cabin, and you’re just out to spend a little time on the trails around the gorge, consider leaving them back.  I can say from experience that you’ll enjoy yourself a lot more if you can devote yourself to just walking around in the woods for a while.

Your kids will too.

The First 5 Flowers You’ll See In The New River Gorge

Full disclosure:  One of them’s not even a flower.  Check out the list below if you feel like skipping ahead.

First, a little background…

I can remember the neighborhood gang of kids and I would all get together and escape to the nearest woodlot any chance we could. Being in the suburbs of Philly, there weren’t vast expanses of forest like there are here in Wild Wonderful West Virginia. The gang and I (probably because of me) were always trying to figure out what kind of tree we were looking at or what kind of animal made that hole or… well you get the idea. The point is my curiosity for the things of nature was always there, and has never waned.

After spending a few years with Jim McCormac during the New River Nature and Birding Festival, my curiosity and intrigue was called to a new level. Jim is a botanist and all around nature guy who can spout the genus and species of almost anything you might encounter out there. The great thing about Jim is his child-like enthusiasm. It’s hard for me to imagine anyone who is even slightly interested in the outdoors not being encouraged to learn more when you’re around him.

May Apple
Virginia Bluebell

Last year on Jims recommendation I purchased Newcombs guide to Wildflowers. It is a great book once you learn to navigate it. Here are my favorite first five:

Coltsfoot – Tussilago fafara

This one is native to Europe but is considered one of our own. The flower resembles a dandelion.

Ramps – Allium tricoccum (comes from the old anglic word rampion meaning leek)

May Apple – Podophyllum peltatum. Forms fruit in late April early May. That’s probably where the name comes from.

Trillium – grandiflorum. This plant has three leaves and three Sepals. Hence the name.

Virginia Bluebells – Mertensia Virginica. Better catch this one while you can. The whole plant is gone by late spring.

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