We also understand “I just don’t want to talk to them now.“
Yes, we love Little Feat. Lowell George put it very well in Apolitical Blues.
Thats why we put alot into our website.
You may just not feel like talking and that’s okay, we understand. Lots of times I prefer digging around in cyberspace, I am just trying to dig up some info. Do some research, comparison shopping, check availability that sort of thing. We hope we make it easy for you to do just that.
The website has a new look and some new info. Please let us know what you like or don’t.
Is there something you were looking for and could not find or should be easier to find?
We are hoping we have made all that research fun, easy, and informative.
FYI: we wrote all that vacation-planning ‘stuff’, so if you want to go to the source and get the info first hand or you just want to talk to someone, we are ready for ya.
Darn computers anyway.
For good phone, call 888-488-4836.
I am interested in booking your Romantic Getaway Weekend special for next weekend. Please give me a call at your convenience:
Thank you,
That is an OSSUM package I think you will enjoy it. Please let me know if you have any questions.